Tuesday, August 13, 2013

company: rawxies
job title: fall 2013 student intern (design)
job type: part-time
location: kansas city, mo

Rawxies is a raw, vegan and gluten-free food company that specializing in pre-packaged, convenience food. Rawxies was created by Kansas City Art Institute Design Graduate, Callie England, and is currently sold in stores from New York to California. Rawxies recently relocated to Kansas City (from San Francisco) to further grow the company brand, and is seeking a design intern for Fall 2013 to help execute various creative tasks.

Rawxies is an award winning company that is young, energetic and has big plans for this next year. We are looking for someone who is passionate, self-motivated and doesn't hold back when it comes to pitching design ideas and/or sketches.

Managing current brand identity materials - business cards, letterhead, postcards, etc...Working with online and/or local print companies - quotes, file management, specs, etc...Creating new and/or managing current retail promotional items - shelf talkers, coupons, etc...Creating and managing Rawxies' online monthly newsletter design.Putting together presentations for things such as capital raise meetings, 1 Million Cups (going national this fall) and pitching to various accounts.

Adobe Creative Suite
Transportation - would prefer intern to work from Rawxies’ offices (east of River Market)
For credit internship - 10-15 hours per week
Working HTML knowledge
Digital SLR knowledge
If interested, please email Callie England (callie@rawxies.com) with a brief introduction and

current resumé. Learn more about Rawxies at www.rawxies.com.

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